Квартальный календарь mockup. PSD макет календаря в четырех вариантах исполнения

The year 2016 is about to end and the new year is eagerly waiting to make its way. As digitalization is making waves all over the world, the new calendar designs are ready to hit the market. Defeat the distractions with these New Year Calendar models. You can use them for your communities, company purposes, and even for individual use. They also include traditional U.S. holidays. Scheduling may be a tough task, but not with these Calendar templates.

Beautiful Calendar Mockup 2017

A new generation of the national calendar with the daily date. Easy to tear and easy to stick back. A Great Chinese . It resembles the essence of Chinese culture in its colors and design.

Decorative Calendar Design of 2017

A with a background of an examination pad with two clips. The grayscale effect makes the template presentable. Try it on your examination pad to make it two-way beneficial.

Calendar of 2017 with Multicolors

Another . But this with a sea of colors. Tear off a color stripe each day. That way counting becomes so funny and blissful. You can even tear off a month and bind it with screws.

3 Customizable Calendar 2017 with Models

Make this 3 in 1 Customizable Calendar 2017 Bundle you own in just a few seconds time. This sleazy and tempestuous Calendar Bundle comes with 4000×3000 pixels resolution. It costs $11.

Desk Calendar with Beautiful Nature

Buy this for just $6. The stationery diva brings the right look for your office. You can even present it to your potential clients and customers.

Colorful 2017 Wall Calendar

A colorful wooden pencil, a sharpener, and a beautiful Calendar Mockup that welcomes the year 2017. The theme takes a childish way with a playful design.

Seasonal Food Illustrated Calendar 2017

A calendar with a go-green concept. An illustrated Scheduler with seasonal eats. Send them to those who are environmental-friendly. Each month of the Calendar has a separate theme and color combination.

Desk Calendar Template 2017

Another set of Desk embellishments. This Mockup is decorated with interior designs. It works as a model for furniture business, wall paintings, and other home decors.

Set of 2 Calendar Designs

A set of 2 for $10. Not bad. If your hands are tempted to modify it with customized messages, you should wait for nothing. Manage your day-to-day tasks with these new presentables.

Vintage Calendar Design

Awesome Ready to Print Calendar Design

A perennial favorite! How you are going to use it is up to you. A perfect model for your advertisement. But have a check whether others are loving it or not.

Seasonal Changes Calendar Design

Set of 2017 Calendars

Photo Frame Customizable Calendar 2017

Beautiful Calendar with Gift Box

Funny Calendar Design

Calendar Designed by Maria Skaryukina

By: Dima posted on February 05, 2019 in and tagged ,

22+ Free Desk Calendar Mock-ups in PSD and Premium Version this is what you need for your business! These elegant Free Mock-ups is the best way to use it for making presentations and show your skills about your creations and design. Enjoy these Mockups from Free-PSD-Templates and let your ideas become successful!

All the products that you can choose from this collection are fully ready and can be easily used after downloading.

November 23, 2018 by Dima

Download our new Freebie – Free Pen Mock-up for your future ideas and current projects! The qualitative and absolutely Free mockup it is a great opportunity for designers and creators to make presentations and to get some fresh inspiration.

September 27, 2018 by Dima

You are welcome to get our amazing new 15 Premium and Free Urban City Poster MockUps for your professional work and for creating presentations. Choose any Premium or Free version and use any mockups you need. Download and enjoy!

August 20, 2018 by Dima

Make your promotions more interesting and creative easily with our new amazing10+ Urban Poster Mockups! These PSD mockups are interesting and professional for use for any private and commercial projects. We hope our Free PSD mockups can really be helpful for you. Good Luck!

It is very useful to make a schedule of routine tasks because anything can be easily skipped from one’s mind. People who keep a balance of things never are disappointed or dejected, they usually turn out to be the healthiest, happy and satisfied entities. They have less material to stress over, they have more time to enjoy and they also are able to get a spare time to relax. Nothing is ever possible if one does not have the will to do it, it is the willpower that makes impossible things possible.

One has to train one’s mind whether it is about going to university or to one’s workplace, time and punctuality matters. No one was born with the capacity of forgetfulness but it all depends on the priorities and things that stand important & primary for us. We become immune to oblivion and thus end up being regretful for not doing the things on the right time. We become so careless and carefree at times that important dates, birthdays, wedding dates, events and occasions skip out of our system.

Not because intentionally we did not like to remember or recall them but because we are stuffed and occupied by other chain of happenings that things start to bounce back. In order to be more disciplined and organized it is always a better way to limit oneself with them. Make room tidy, put things neatly and also make a check list/to-do-list of what to do next and after. Besides calendar in the room/table/office desk is also pivotal along with a clock or watch because without them we cannot estimate and calculate the hours and time to the next meet up/event.

Down here you may quickly look at the collection of 30 best free table / desk & wall calendar mockup PSD files that can serve a good deal of help for your projects. If a client wants to imprint a logo design or company’s name on the calendar then you may insert all the design features and use this as an impressive presentation before him. The chances of acceptance and approval become more obvious since the person could well imagine how things will look practically after getting printed.

For more amazing and fantastic collection of design stay tuned to the blog. Here we go.

50 Best Free Table / Desk & Wall Calendar Mockup PSD Files

1. Portrait Wall Calendar Mockup PSD

2. Landscape Wall Calendar Mockup PSD

3. Wall Calendar – Free PSD Mockup

4. Wall & Desk Calendar Mockups | 5 PSD Mockup Files

5. Free Wall Calendar Mockup PSD

6. Free Wall Calendar Design Mockup PSD

7. Free Wall Calendar Mockup

8. Free Desk Tent calendar mockup

9. Free Desk Calendar Mockup PSD

10. Free Table Calendar Mockup PSD

12. Vertical Desk Calendar Mockups

14. Horizontal Table Calendar Mockups

15. Free Table Calendar Mockup PSD

16. Free Desk Calendar Mockup PSD

17. Free Desk Calendar PSD Mockup File

18. Free Desk Calendar Mock-up in PSD

19. Free Calendar Mockup 2019

20. Free Desktop Calendar Mockup

21. Free Table Calendar Mockup

22. Tall Desk Calendar MockUp PSD

23. Free Double Calendar Mockup PSD

24. Double Landscape Table Calendar Mockup PSD

25. Free Square Calendar PSD Mockup

26. Female Hand Calendar Mockup

PSD files in both portrait and landscape format. Both mockups are created by using smart objects as well as vector shapes so resize them without losing the quality. Few examples are displayed below to have an idea that how final artwork will look like after placing design.

Background is separately attached in the archive so after opening the file very thing to do is placing the background and then place your artwork by using smart object. If required remove the glow above smart object, remove the smart object background if you prefer to use solid color. Shadow is also placed on separate layer, change the opacity if needful.

Download links are mentioned below. Do subscribe to receive more high quality on your email address.

Portrait Wall Calendar Mockup PSD


Available Format:
RAR File Includes: Photoshop PSD
Mockup Resolution: 3000 x 2500 px
Artwork Resolution: 12 x 18 inches (150 dpi)
Designed by:

1. Place your portrait wall calendar design through smart object
3. Photoshop requirement: Adobe Photoshop CS5+

Landscape Wall Calendar Mockup PSD


Available Format: Layered PSD easy smart object insertion
License: Free for personal and commercial use
RAR File Includes: Photoshop PSD
Mockup Resolution: 3000 x 2200 px
Artwork Resolution: 18 x 14 inches (150 dpi)
Designed by: (Linkback required for sharing online)

1. Place your landscape wall calendar design through smart object
2. Place background attached in archive
3. Photoshop requirement: Adobe Photoshop CS5+

Добро. Продолжаю постить мокапы и заполнять этот раздел свежими подборочками. На сей раз это будет подборка макета (или мокапа) стильного календаря в красных тонах. 4 отображения календаря: формата А4 вертикальный, А4 горизонтальный и 2 развернутых варианта. Календарь, к сожалению, за 2014 год, но это будет не проблемой для того, кто делает календарь, главное, чтобы была основа и дизайн. Я сейчас по подробнее расскажу об этом макете.

Каждый макет имеет хорошее разрешение 2440 на 3250 пикселей при 300 dpi. Это очень качественный макет. Еще один момент: это настенный календарь. Впрочем, вы сейчас сами увидите.

Вариант развернутого календаря А4

Дизайн календаря выполнен в строгих тонах и очертаниях. Здесь нет изображений, если не считать красной фигуры в верху и в низу календаря. Все очень красиво и лаконично. В PSD исходниках вы сможете поменять любую делать.

Вариант настенного календаря-гармошки

Этот мокап календаря выполнен в абсолютно в том же стиле, что и предыдущий (собственно, как и все остальные). Здесь также есть элементы самого календаря, пленки-ориентира сегодняшнего числа и других элементов.

PSD макет закрытого календаря А4

Здесь ничего необычного, просто титульная страница календаря, внутри которого можно сделать календари с изображениями, основываясь на дизайнерской базе мокапа.

Закрытый мокап календаря А3 или горизонтального А4

Тут могут возникнуть вопросы: А что если я изменю календарь и отправлю его на печать. Как будут печататься такие элементы как пленка и пластмассовый ориентир «сегодняшнего» числа? Ответ: никак. Это макет, а точнее можно сказать mockup, который предназначен для визуального отображения календаря. В типографиях, таких как Инфинити Принт существуют свои макеты и свое оборудование, на котором они печатают календари. Чтобы сделать версию для печати, Вам нужно будет сделать макеты всех отдельных составляющих календаря, таких как титульный лист, задник, раскрытый календарь, все месяцы по отдельности. А уже на счет пружинки, пленки и ориентира, то это нужно обговорить с типографией.

Видов календарей большое множество: карманные, настенные, настольные квартальные и другие. Этот макет дает лишь структурную базу и дизайн, с помощью которого вы сможете сделать любой календарь. Большим спросом у крупных компаний пользуются квартальные календари, так как они очень удобны в использовании. Но вот создание и печать квартальных календарей дело не такое легкое, как с другими видами календарей, типа настольного. Настольный календарь печатается в один заход, а потом просто склеивается. Так же печатаются и карманные календари. А вот у квартальных настенных календарей более 20-и элементов.

Я надеюсь, что календарь Вам пригодился и помог Вам в создании Вашего календаря. Постараюсь (если буду натыкаться) выкладывать больше мокапов календарей, да и просто мокапов, так как мне самому они постоянно пригождаются.